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February's Employee of the Month: Nicole Testa

Congratulations to February's Employee of the Month, Nicole Testa! Ms. Testa displays a huge amount of leadership within FITspiration, and specifically the Information Technology department. She is a fantastic manager and our company is very proud to have her on our team.

Here is what some of our employees had to say about Nicole Testa: "Nicole is great at balancing her work in the IT department with her work as part as the business plan team." “She motivates others and always has a positive attitude.”

Check out Nicole's interview with the Human Resources Department: Interviewer: What do you do to motivate others in your department? Nicole Testa: I motivate others in my department by encouraging them to share their ideas. I: How do you communicate with other departments? NT: I communicate with others in different departments by talking to each manager or the CEO. I: Why do you believe the department you are in makes you worthy enough to receive employee of the month? NT: We complete all the projects given by other departments. I: Why are you interested in the field you are in? NT: I am interested because there are a lot of things to do inside this department. I: What inspires you to work hard and be dedicated in your department? NT: My employees inspire me to work hard and have dedication. I: How do you approach other employees within your field? NT: I approach them in a friendly aspect and treat them as I want to be treated. I: What makes you so successful in your field? NT: My success in my field comes from my ability to work well with others. I: What quality do you have that makes you most successful? NT: A quality that I have is being able to be a leader without dictating.

Nicole working with her co-workers in the IT Department:

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