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What is FITspiration?

      FITspiration provides you with the means to succeed in your fitness and health aspirations from their Robbinsville, New Jersey location. In 2014, when FITspiration was established, it began its mission to utilize innovative technology to advance the lives of costumers like you while giving back to the community.


Social Responsibility

Earth represents how the FITsoleutions are made up of recycled material.

Water is represented through The Thirst Project that brings water to countries where there is none by building fresh water hand pump wells.

Fire represents a $1,000-per-year scholarship for Robbinsville High School students who intend to go to college for health science or kinesiology.


Air is represented through The Fresh Air Fund that helps bring low-income New York City kids into the countryside for the summer to experience fresh air and different activities at designated camps in Fishkill, New York or with host families.

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